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SafePoint Scientific Privacy Policy

Please read this privacy policy carefully because by using our site you are acknowledging you have read, understand and agree to comply with and be bound by everything in this privacy policy. Any term not defined in this privacy policy, has the meaning defined or ascribed to it in our terms of use.  This privacy policy forms part of the legally binding and enforceable agreement you have with us and if you cannot or do not agree or do not wish your personal information to be subject to this privacy policy or any of the provisions of your agreement with us, please leave our site immediately and do not use our site at all.

Your privacy and the protection of your personal information is important and this Privacy Policy is our policy regarding your use of our Site. This Privacy Policy applies only to online activities and only to users of our Site and does not apply to information collected offline or through channels other than our Site. If you are not a legal resident of the United States or Canada, you may not use our Site and if you believe we may have unintentionally obtained any personal information please contact us and we will delete your personal information. If you ignore this requirement or fail to notify us, we have the right to treat your personal information as if you are a resident of the United States and you are unconditionally and irrevocably waiving all other rights you may have as a legal resident or citizen of another nation and agree to be governed by our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy, we use the term “personal information” to mean and refer to any data or information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular person or household or that could uniquely identify a person. Laws and regulations of some jurisdictions define personal information or personally identifiable information very broadly and may even include things such as IP protocols, browser and mobile device data, so if there is any possibility we may be able to determine an individual’s identity using our Site, even if we have no intention of trying to identify anyone, it may be covered by the law. Consequently, for purposes of this Privacy Policy we include all of these within the meaning of the term “personal information,” but personal information does not include information that is deidentified or aggregated in a way that no individual can be readily identified.

Although the primary purpose of our Site is to provide you with information about us and the services we provide, when you use our Site and when you voluntarily send us information using our Site, we do obtain some information that the law considers “personal information.”  This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we obtain when you use our Site and, among other things, how we use that information. This Privacy Policy also describes your rights and our obligations with respect to your personal information and after reading our Privacy Policy, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

We may use third party operational service providers, website and communications support resources and other professionals in the hosting, operation, maintenance and support of our Site (“Service Providers”) and when we use terms such as “us”, “we”, “our” or “ours” in this Privacy Policy, we are also referring to and include those third parties.  Our agreements with each of these third parties obligate them to the same requirements regarding your personal information that apply to us under this Privacy Policy.


How We Obtain Information

When You Send Us Information: If you are looking for more information about us and our services or you are interested in becoming a customer, our Site allows you to send us your contact information. If you do, you are consenting to us using your personal information to respond and contact you and to keep your personal information in our database for future marketing or other purposes permitted by law or this Privacy Policy. If you are an employee or authorized representative of a customer of ours, when you use our Site in connection with an that relationship, you are consenting to our use of your personal information to respond, contact you and use your personal information in the context of our relationship with you and your company.

When You Use Our Site:  When you use our Site (which, as defined in our Terms of Use, includes visiting or browsing), our Site may automatically collect and store non-personal bits of information related to your use. Non-personally identifiable information may include the type of browser and operating system you are using, your IP address, the domain of the website you came from (a referring URL), the dates and times of your visits and the average amount of time you spend on our Site. Sometimes our Site may also be able to identify the application or device you are using, your mobile network (e.g., carrier name and phone number) and the interaction of your apps, browser and devices with our Site. Technology may enable us to determine when you search for particular words and Content your browser opens. We may keep track of pages you visit, Content your browser displays, as well as the Third Party Material and Links you select, so we can better understand what Content is popular and may interest visitors to our Site. Sometimes, with varying degrees of accuracy, your location can be determined by your IP address, GPS, sensor data from your device or from nearby technology (e.g., Wi-Fi access points; cell towers; Bluetooth-enabled devices) and the capability to capture this type of Information often depends on your device location settings, which you generally have the ability to turn on or off.

Generally, this non-personally identifiable information is recorded in such a way that it does not reflect or reference any identifiable individual. However, even though this information does not identify you and it is not our intention to do so, the law may still consider it personal information.

Our Site may also use technology to remember if you’ve been there before. A “cookie” (i.e., a text file placed on your hard disk by a web page server) is one example, but there are many different types of technology that may perform similar functions (e.g., pixel tags, server logs, invisible GIFs, web beacons, application data caches). Some technology makes our Site more efficient and may provide faster Content loading times for users who visit repeatedly.  Similarly, unique, non-personal identifiers (“tags”) enable us to track Information without identifying you or any individual. Tags may simply be strings of characters that can uniquely identify a browser, app, or device. You may be familiar with an IMEI number associated with your mobile device – a unique identifier incorporated into the device by the manufacturer. Most browsers and some devices allow you to configure your settings to refuse cookies, to indicate when a cookie is being sent or prevent certain data gathering or tracking technologies. While you should configure those settings in any way you prefer, some features and Content on our Site may not function or be displayed properly based on your choice of settings.

Our Site does not support Do Not Track and we do not respond to Do Not Track requests. “Do Not Track” or “DNT” is a preference you can set in your browser to inform websites you do not want to be tracked. You can enable or disable Do Not Track by visiting the Preferences or Settings page of your web browser.


How We Store, Use, Share and Disclose Information

Storing:  We may store personal information on servers and storage media of ours or our Service Providers and we may share personal information in aggregate or anonymous form with third parties for storage purposes and to help gather statistics and Site analytics or to respond to your requests. Service Providers with whom we share personal information are prohibited from using personal information and are required to treat and handle personal information, at a minimum, in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Using Information: There are a number of purposes for which we use information, including personal information, that we obtain and although some are already mentioned, they are worth repeating:

  • To maintain and improve the performance and operation of our Site and obtain analytical data and metrics so we can better understand how our Site is being used and improve your experience when using our Site;
  • To help operate, administer and improve the quality and performance of our Site, track outages or troubleshoot problems and to detect, prevent and respond to possible fraud, abuse and security risks;
  • To respond to your inquiries if you contact us and help resolve any issues you may be having;
  • To personalize or customize your experience while using our Site;
  • To allow us to deliver and improve Content we believe may be of interest to users of our Site;
  • To protect us and others from harm and to detect, respond and help us prevent fraud, abuse and security risks (e.g., SPAM, malware or malicious code) that could do harm.


We do not share, sell, rent or lease your personal information obtained through our Site to anyone, unless we have your permission.  We may however share and provide information to third parties, including information that may have been derived from personal information, for marketing, advertising, research or other uses, but we do so only in aggregate or other form that is not intended to and does not enable identification of any individual.

If you request us to send you information or contact you, you are giving us explicit permission and your consent to us the information you submit to respond and exchange additional information with you relevant to your request.


We may also disclose your personal information under the following limited circumstances:

  • If we have your consent;
  • If we are required to do so by legal or regulatory requirements;
  • If we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of personal information is reasonably necessary to meet legal, regulatory, judicial or other enforceable government requests (g., court orders, regulatory investigative demands or any legal compulsion (e.g., subpoena) served on us;
  • To respond to threats or attacks on the security or integrity of our Site;
  • To Service Providers who help us operate and maintain our business and technology, serving visitors and users, so long as those parties agree to keep the information confidential and, at a minimum, comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of this Privacy Policy.
  • To enforce any and all terms and conditions of our Agreement with you applicable to our Site;
  • To detect, prevent or address fraud, security or technical issues, including investigating potential abuse or violations;
  • To protect or defend against damage or harm or violations of any our rights, property or safety, or the rights, property or safety of others, including the public, if required by law;
  • If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we’ll continue to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and give affected users notice before transferring any personal information or your becoming subject to a different privacy policy.

We will always ask your consent before using personal information for a purpose not covered by this Privacy Policy and if we do provide information to third parties outside the scope of what is covered by this Privacy Policy, we only provide aggregated, compiled or derivative information that doesn’t reveal or allow identification of an individual or any personal information.


Links to Other Sites

As mentioned in our Terms of Use, our Site may contain Links to other websites that are not operated or controlled by us. If you click on a Link, you will be directed to a third party’s website (URL) and we strongly advise you to review the privacy policy of every website you visit because their terms of use and privacy policies will apply, not ours. We don’t monitor, evaluate, review or have any control over the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party websites or services and assume no responsibility for them.


You Can Control Your Privacy Choices

We want you to have choices and control over how we collect and use your personal information. If you submit personal informational to us, there will always be a functional opt-out link in any email we send you that allows you to ask us to stop sending you emails and further communications.

As mentioned above, you can also configure your browser and device settings and you should review the settings of your browser and the user guide or instructions that came from the manufacturer of your device, which should have specific details about the settings that apply to devices you use and your ability to configure them.

You have the right to ask us to provide you with a digital file containing a copy of your personal information and to request that we delete all or any portion of your personal information.

If we need to retain data for limited periods for business or legal purposes, we will only keep it as long as necessary for us to comply with those requirements. We also need to be sure your personal information isn’t accidentally or maliciously altered or deleted without your permission or knowledge, so there could be a delay in deleting information in our systems and backups to make sure we are following your instructions.


Compliance, Questions and Comments

We try to keep track of known security threats and prevent problems before they occur and, if we can’t prevent them, to detect and correct them promptly and in compliance with the laws and regulations that apply. We review recorded or logged Site information during the period immediately before a problem started to help us identify and fix it more quickly. We also regularly review this Privacy Policy and our compliance with it, to make sure we keep up to date with our legal obligations. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and will post the new Privacy Policy on this web page. It will be effective when we post it, so check back here often so you remain aware of all of the terms and conditions that apply to you.

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, you can send an email to ramato@safepointscientific.com or by regular mail to:

SafePoint Scientific

1008 Industrial Drive, Unit D

West Berlin, NJ  08091

Attention: Rachel Amato